Vision Survey Results

En Espanol

To make sure we’re heading in the right direction, we recently asked the Lynn community for input on its vision for the future. What themes should a community vision address? What kinds of vision statements ring true to Lynners?

We tried to reach as many people as we could:

  • We used an online survey in English and Spanish,
  • We went in-person to local events and neighborhood hotspots with activity boards, and
  • We conducted written surveys through Khmer and Haitian Creole interpreters.

In total, an estimated 779 people gave their opinions! The online survey had 706 unique responses, an estimated 43 people interacted with our activity boards in person, and 30 people took the written survey through an interpreter.

Vision Statements

People were shown seven statements that emphasized different visions for Lynn’s future. Online and in-person participants could choose up to three statements that inspired them the most. From that process, some favorites emerged. The top three statements relate to safety and comfort; equitable access to resources; and strong, diverse, and connected communities.

Table: Online and in-person vision statement selections

Vision Statements

Number of Selections

Percent of online and in-person respondents making selection

A city where people feel safe and comfortable where they live, work, learn, and play.



A city where all community members have the housing, transportation access, social connections, and educational or economic opportunities to live a fulfilling life.



A city to be proud of, with strong, diverse, and connected communities that take care of our shared spaces, natural resources, and each other.



A city where new development maximizes community benefits by providing good quality housing, economic opportunities and upgraded infrastructure.



A city where everyone feels valued, informed, and empowered to participate in the decision making that affects our community.



A city with neighborhoods that are vibrant, active, convenient, and provide a small town feel while offering amenities of a larger city.



A city that honors its history and plans for future generations by preparing for changes in the economy and climate.



Written survey participants got a slightly different question. They were asked to rate the statements with 1 (dislike), 2 (neutral), or 3 (like). The average score of each statement was 2.60 or above, meaning on average all statements were supported by respondents!

Table: Written survey vision statement ratings

Vision Statements

Average rating by written survey respondents

A city where all community members have the housing, transportation access, social connections, and educational or economic opportunities to live a fulfilling life.


A city where new development maximizes community benefits by providing good quality housing, economic opportunities and upgraded infrastructure.


A city where people feel safe and comfortable where they live, work, learn, and play.


A city where everyone feels valued, informed, and empowered to participate in the decision making that affects our community.


A city to be proud of, with strong, diverse, and connected communities that take care of our shared spaces, natural resources, and each other.


A city with neighborhoods that are vibrant, active, convenient, and provide a small town feel while offering amenities of a larger city.


A city that honors its history and plans for future generations by preparing for changes in the economy and climate.


Vision Themes

We asked online and in-person participants “What central themes should Lynn consider when setting a long-term vision?” We gave them nine potential themes to choose from, and they could choose up to three. Online participants could select “Other,” and specify another theme if they wanted to.

Chart: Visioning themes

Housing affordability, economic opportunity, cultural diversity, and vibrant places were the top four themes identified by the public. 60% of participants selected housing affordability as a central theme the vision should address. It was the only theme selected by a majority of participants, though almost half (48%) selected economic opportunity. Of the 46 write-in responses online, 17 related to schools and education.

Who responded?

As part of the online and written surveys, participants could give some basic demographic information to help us understand who we are reaching in the community. (In-person participants weren’t asked to give demographic info.)


Respondents were asked “What is your age range?” and given seven age categories to choose from.

  • Just over half (55%) were aged 35-54.
  • 21% were aged 25-34.
  • 14% were 55-64, 7% were 65-75, and 3% were 18-24.
  • 1% were over 75, and less than 1% were under 18.

Chart: Age range

Race and Ethnicity

Participants were asked two questions related to race and ethnicity: “Are you of Hispanic, Latino, or of Spanish origin?,” and “How would you describe yourself?” when presented with five racial categories.

  • 38% of respondents said they were of Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin.
  • 52% of respondents would describe themselves as White, 13% as Black, 6% as Asian, and 1% as Indigenous American. 10% would describe themselves as two or more races.
  • 18% chose “Other,” with 7% specifying a response. 67% of the respondents who specified a response wrote a category related to Hispanic or Latino origin, or gave a specific ethnic origin typically associated with Hispanic or Latino origin.

Chart: Hispanic, Latino, and Spanish Origin

Chart: Racial Self-Descriptions

Home Location

Respondents were asked “What is your home ZIP code?” and given an open entry.

  • Almost half (47%) of respondents came 01902, the areas of eastern Lynn and near (but not including) Downtown. This includes neighborhoods around East Lynn, the Highlands, and the Diamond District.
  • 25% of respondents were from western Lynn (including neighborhoods like West Lynn, the Lynnway, and Pine Hill).
  • 24% of respondents came from the vicinity of Ward 1.
  • 3% of respondents came from Downtown proper.
  • 1% of respondents stated they lived outside Lynn.

Table: Home ZIP Code

Zip Code





Downtown Lynn




Eastern Lynn




PO Box




Ward 1




Western Lynn




Outside of Lynn



Categories: English, Engagement
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